10:00 – 12:30
Sala Titta Ruffo

Moderator: Peter Gomez
Spekers: David Puente, Eleonora Priori, Daniele Gambetta

Detecting the present, predicting and conditioning the future: all this is possible thanks to the increasing pervasiveness of digital technologies together with the exponential growth of computing speed. The continuous monitoring of the Net allows us to find and process the enormous mass of information that we all produce on a daily basis. The value of the collected data is so great that specialized companies compete for them at high cost not only as a business model, but as a new form of power. In fact, data and algorithms allow us to influence processes on a global scale: they express opinions on professionals, restaurants, teachers and students, grant or deny loans, evaluate workers, influence voters, monitor our health.

10:00-10:30 // KEYNOTE SPEECH
From hoaxes to fake news
Speaker: David Puente


10:30-11:00 // KEYNOTE SPEECH
When the algorithm decides
Speaker: Daniele Gambetta


11:00-11:30 // KEYNOTE SPEECH
What the data does not say: going Beyond
Speaker: Eleonora Priori


11:30-12:30 // PANEL
Speakers: David Puente, Eleonora Priori, Daniele Gambetta