
Stefano Mancuso

Stefano Mancuso is associate professor of the University of Firenze since 2001. Director of the LINV (International laboratory of Plant Neurobiology). He is Editor in Chief of the International journal Plant Signalling and Behaviour published in USA by Landes Biosciences. He is Principal Investigator of the programme “Perception of gravity, signal transduction andgraviresponse in higher plants” of the ESA (European Spatial Agency). He participated to 8 campaigns of parabolic flights of the ESA and one by DLR (German Space Agency)

He is founder of the International Society for Plant Signaling & Behavior. He is Accademico Ordinario of the Accademia dei Georgofili. He is in numerous other scientific accademies.

In 2010 was invited speaker at the TED Global Oxford (first scientist working in Italy)

In 2012 the newspaper “La Repubblica” put Stefano Mancuso among “the 20 Italians that will change our life”

He won in 2002 the European Award for Research and Innovation and in 2003 the “Antico Fattore” award.

He is author of the following books published by Springer-Verlag: Plant Communication – neural aspects of plant life (2006), Rhythms in Plants (2007), Plant Signalling (2008), Waterlogging signalling and tollerance in plants (2010), Measuring roots (2011).

He is author of more than 250 papers on the physiology and behavior of plants