
Amedeo Santosuosso

Amedeo Santosuosso is one of the founders and current Scientific Director of the European Center for Law, Science and new Technologies (ECLT), at the University of Pavia (I).

Professor of Law, Science and New Technologies at the Department of Law, University of Pavia, and at the Institute for Advanced Study of Pavia (IUSS). He serves also as President of the First Chamber at the Court of Appeal of Milan. He was President of the European Association for Neuroscience and Law (EANL) since its foundation (2010) till 2016 and is one of the main organizer of the Law, Neuroscience and New Technologies Winter School, which takes place yearly at the University of Pavia. He is promoter and main organizer of the Innovating Legal Studies and Practice (ILSP), an international course that is the result of an extraordinary cooperation between the judiciary, Bar Association and academy. The course is organized by the ECLT center and offers to master degree students (4th – 5th year) a direct knowledge, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, of advanced technological tools, as well as an overview of the legal implications stemming from these technological innovations. An international faculty board and practitioners teach the program. The course, started 2015, will have next round on February 2019 as Winter School on Technological Innovation and Law (TIL). He has been appointed by the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal of Milan and the Ministry of Justice (2016) responsible for a special experimental project of cooperation between the legal academy and the judiciary in order to accelerate the introduction of new technologies in criminal trials in Italy.